Margie Livinston
Painting Folded into a Square, 2012
Acrylic paint
20 x 20 x 4 in.
Bringing together more than 40 contemporary artists, BAM Biennial 2012 explores one of the most thriving media today: fiber. With its versatility and ready availability, fiber has long had its firm place in the Do-It-Yourself movement, yet is often underexposed in the traditional art world. Shining a spotlight on fiber art created in the Northwest, BAM Biennial 2012: High Fiber Diet celebrates both the region's rich traditions as well as new expressions, where concepts of art and craft merge.
Featured Artists: Polly Adams Sutton, Howard and Lorraine Barlow, Dina Barzel, Lou Cabeen, Vanessa Calvert, Michael Cepress, Christine Chaney, David Chatt, Joanne Circle, Celeste Cooning, Scott Fife, Rob Folendorf, April Marie Hale, Jo Hamilton, Luke Haynes, Carolyn Hopkins, Jan Hopkins, Rock Hushka, Jiseon Lee Isbara, Ann Johnston, Christine Joy, Patti King, Sheila Klein, Paul Komada, Barbara Lee Smith, Margie Livingston, Allison Manch, Amanda Manitach, Sherry Markovitz, Heather McGilvray, Dorothy McGuinness, Rachel Meginnes, Robert Mertens, Moxie, Tiffany Pruitt, Patricia Resseguie, Lesley Richmond, Maggy Rozycki Hiltner, Scott Schuldt, Maria Shell, Shelley Socolofsky, Nate Steigenga, Claire Taylor and Tamara Wilson.
For more information visit