Luis De Jesus Los Angeles is dedicated to presenting and supporting a highly diverse roster of artists whose work engages with regional and global art discourse, exploring a wide range of personal, social, cultural, and aesthetic concerns. Representation within the roster is split nearly equal between male and female artists, with 50% of the artists being of Latinx, Asian, or Black diasporas. The gallery's program has garnered wide recognition, with artists receiving prestigious awards, participating in international biennials and art fairs, and having their work acquired by major museums, institutions and collectors.
Partners Luis De Jesus and Jay Wingate opened their first gallery, Luis De Jesus Seminal Projects, in San Diego in 2007. In 2010, they relocated to Santa Monica and rebranded as Luis De Jesus Los Angeles. In 2011, the gallery moved to the Culver City Arts District where it operated for ten years. In the spring of 2021, the gallery opened its current home, an expansive space downtown on the edge of the Los Angeles Arts District. Prior to the west coast, Luis De Jesus lived in New York City for two decades, working in a number of galleries and museums.