A child's drawings are erratic, occasionally brilliant, very often brimming with vitality and pleasure. It is the latter in particular that made me my toddler's student. I study his marks, I study him while he makes them. I watch the way he holds his paintbrush and sometimes, though not always, I hold mine in the same ways. Unlike him I step back to think about what I am doing. I measure and calculate, make landscapes and rooms, compose and prepare. I consider the meanings and metaphors. When I’m ready to make marks I push those considerations to a quieter part of my mind. I try to emulate his weasel-like lack of hesitation, his fanaticism, his joy and oblivion.
These photographs are records of drawings and paintings on photographs. The drawings and paintings were made together with my now 4 year old son Elio, in some cases, and by me in others. Sometimes, drawings on paper by him or me are used as source material, embellished or combined or altered freely by me. They are, among other things, an incomplete record of his and my own preoccupations, and the struggles and joys of our relationship. Made alternately with dollar store kid’s paint, pencils, crayons, chaulk, high quality acrylics, oils, and pastels, the vibrant colors are inspired by children’s art supply sets.
Combining photography with drawing and painting is an unexpected and exciting turn in my practice. For me, the stubborn indexicality of photography, which is to say its complicated relationship to things that "were there", lends place and weight to the imaginary world of drawing and painting. At the same time the mark making adds whimsy, and color, and a seductive, more visceral materiality to a medium that can often feel like a tomb.
A prism breaks light into its constituent parts, revealing colors invisible to the human eye. It allows us to see, in other words, what is present but not perceived. This show is titled Prism in part for its vibrant colors. More importantly, because a camera is a prism. And most importantly, because my son is my prism. The world that I see through his eyes is new and strange, terrifying and beautiful. How wonderful is that?