Hector Dionicio Mendoza
Algo de lo que me cuido (Some of what protects me), 2024
Mixed media (broken glass, feathers, seeds, cardboard, ethnic bread, acrylic paint, sealer, concrete, wood, glue)
49 x 16 x 12 in
Griselda Rosas
The later-middle/El medio-posterior, 2023
Embroidery, textile collage, and watercolor on paper
45 x 68.5 in
Griselda Rosas
Aftermath/Secuelas, 2023
Watercolor, acrylic, embroidery, and appliqué collage on paper
45 x 80 in
Gabriel Sanchez
Fast Car, 2023
Oil on canvas
18 x 24 in
Gabriel Sanchez
Through the rubble, 2023
Oil on canvas
16 x 20 in
Gabriel Sanchez
Otorrinolaringología, 2022
Oil on canvas
46 x 70 in
Gabriel Sanchez
Jaime and His Brother, 2022
Oil on canvas
46 x 50 in
Karla Diaz
Kzilla, 2023
"Te Crees Muy Hollywood" Series
Acrylic on canvas
50 x 50 in
Karla Diaz
Más Poesía, Menos Policía (More Poetry, Less Police), 2023
Selfie Series
Watercolor and ink on paper
24 x 18 in
28.5 x 22.75 x 2 in Framed
Karla Diaz
Bad Bunny and Family Shoe Store , 2023
“Te Crees Muy Hollywood” Series
Watercolor and ink on paper
20 x 15 in
24.5 x 19.5 x 2 in Framed
Karla Diaz
Cousins, 2023
"Te Crees Muy Hollywood” Series
Watercolor and ink on paper
18 x 24 in
22.5 x 28.5 x 2 in Framed
Karla Diaz
Hollywood, 2023
“Te Crees Muy Hollywood” Series
Watercolor and ink on paper
18 x 24 in
22.5 x 28.5 x 2 in Framed
Evita Tezeno
Deep Conversation, 2023
Acrylic, mixed media collage, and buttons on canvas
60 x 48 x 1.5 in
61.5 x 49.5 x 2.25 in Framed
Navy Pier, Festival Hall A
600 East Grand Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Thurs, April 11, 12:00 - 9:00PM
Fri, April 12, 11:00AM - 7:00PM
Sat, April 13, 11:00AM - 7:00PM
Sun, April 14, 11:00AM - 7:00PM
Griselda Rosas’s large mixed media works on paper, representing Los Angeles gallery Luis De Jesus Los Angeles, were among the fair’s show stoppers. Rosas somehow combines the textures of paint with densely stitched or embroidered passages. The pieces are moody, atmospheric, full of surprises, and downright mystical in the way that they usher thread into the shimmery realm of fabulist landscapes. The artist, based in Tijuana and San Diego, straddles the US-Mexico border, and her stitching on paper can echo the back and forth, coming and going, of migration. In the far edge of one piece is a tear Rosas sutured. The divide is a wound; the wound needs repair.